Some of the issues that comes under this include


This issue generally evolves at the time of childhood (From birth-5 years) and leads to the misalignment of the eye. In more severe cases, if it remains untreated, the person may suffer from amblyopia or poor vision and can harm his depth perception.

  • Amblyopia: It is the condition wherein the person has a poor vision which persists for a long period of time. Factors like Strabismus and anisometropia and a power difference in both the eyes lead to this condition. Whereas strabismus is easily detected by parents and guardians in early stages, anisometropia, on the other hand, is very difficult to gauge and hence, regular screening and monitoring by an efficient team of ophthalmologists is highly recommended.
  • Double Vision: For some, the condition of strabismus persists till adulthood and some people might develop double vision and hence, prisms and surgery becomes the only option. Generally, double vision is characterized by the misalignment of eyes or strabismus because of various diseases affecting eyes, nerves and brains. The person might have a blurred/double vision, and headaches. For an effective treatment, it is of utmost importance to detect the cause of the problem.
  • Lazy Eye: Children as well as adults are affected by the problem of lazy eye. Loss of vision, weakness in the nerves are the main causes of lazy eyes in adulthood. However, it is quite easy to cure this problem by timely intervention.
  • Asthenopia: The conditions doesn’t have any major symptoms as such except strain on the eyes, headaches and forehead discomfort.
  • Convergence Insufficiency: In case of an accident and severe harm to the eyes, the patient may have difficulty ineye coordination especially when a person is looking closer. This condition may cause discomfort in the eye andfatigue especially while reading.

Our treatment and therapies include surgeries and common eye problems like conjunctivitis, eye stye, cycloplegic refraction etc. The center also perform regular Pediatric Ophthalmology consultation in the department.
